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Monthly Archives: April 2022

Why Elon Musk Bought Twitter and What Can You Learn From Him
Elon Musk Buys Twitter Elon Musk has made a purchase of Twitter, a social media platform. Elon Musk is the founder, CEO and CTO of SpaceX as well as co-founder, CEO and product architect of Tesla. He is also the chairman of SolarCity. He announced this purchase on his Twitter...
How Google's 'Switch to Android' App Will Change the Mobile Industry
The Re-launch of Google's "Switch to Android" App The switch from iPhone to Android may not be as easy as it seems. But with Google's new Switch to Android app, the transition is less daunting. The Switch to Android app is a tool that will help you to move your...
The Bridge Problem and How it Affects Blockchain Technology
The Bridge Problem is a problem that arises when trying to connect two different blockchains. It was first introduced by Alex Tabarrok in his blog post "Bitcoin and the Bridge Problem" Blockchain technology is a new technology that many people are looking to for the future of data storage. It...
Blockchain Technology Explained: The Ultimate Guide
Blockchain technology is the foundation for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It's also a potential game changer for many other industries, including finance, law, supply chain management, and healthcare. It could change how we share data, keep financial records, and transact with one another. Blockchain technology is an exciting innovation...
How Do the two Speeds of Sound Happen on Mars
What is Sound? Sound is a form of energy that is transmitted through a medium and the waves are created by the vibration of particles in the medium. Sound can be heard and felt, but it cannot be seen and it’s the only one of these three that has this...
Russia's Digital Oil Project, the Petro-bitcoin
The petro-bitcoin is a digital currency backed by oil. This can be seen as a way to avoid sanctions and create an alternative financial system. The Petro-bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that was created in order to evade the US sanctions against Venezuela. The Venezuelan government has created it with...